Aug 17, 2009

1 year ago today.

it was 4am Sunday morning and we began our drive. my trunk full and a heart released of all troubles but full of dreams, we drove down the I-5 to Los Angeles with my mom/anthony/Mac in the car following me. after much resistance about me moving all the way down here, they decided to support me and help me move; man i couldn't have been happier. it just felt complete for them to come with me and see where i would be staying. i just remember the drive, thinking to myself, I'm really doing this. I'm really leaving my home of the bay area, my family, a comfort zone, a cush job, cheap rent and my home since birth. but i was also leaving complacency, a broken heart and starting anew. i had put my 2 weeks notice in, had 2 yard sales and had going away drinks with my coworkers and my friends in the weeks preceding the move. i'm glad i made the jump, made the decision to write on my own clean slate. write my future. with many thanks to daryl and my mom, i have survived this year in one piece and welcome the year to come. thanks to anthony, omar, and marisa as well for being the great people that i have to surround me with their joy and peace.


  1. ...but, but, but...I thought you said it was gonna be for "a couple a months" only...
    It's been 6 x a couple a months..
    Time to come home to the safe and warm and QUIET comfort of "up in tha bay"

  2. "a coupla months is over now!!!" lolololololol i always laugh when u say that. lol
