Aug 31, 2009


me with my new gearing! thanks to the lovely and ever so kind sean and alyson :) (i'm only yelling at him in the beginning because we weren't gonna make the light, hence the "c'mon baby, c'mon!!!")

he's not that into TV.

was watching fresh prince of bel-air reruns the other night...he coulda cared less.walking and talking to the bicycle film festival.bicycle film festival!

Aug 17, 2009

1 year ago today.

it was 4am Sunday morning and we began our drive. my trunk full and a heart released of all troubles but full of dreams, we drove down the I-5 to Los Angeles with my mom/anthony/Mac in the car following me. after much resistance about me moving all the way down here, they decided to support me and help me move; man i couldn't have been happier. it just felt complete for them to come with me and see where i would be staying. i just remember the drive, thinking to myself, I'm really doing this. I'm really leaving my home of the bay area, my family, a comfort zone, a cush job, cheap rent and my home since birth. but i was also leaving complacency, a broken heart and starting anew. i had put my 2 weeks notice in, had 2 yard sales and had going away drinks with my coworkers and my friends in the weeks preceding the move. i'm glad i made the jump, made the decision to write on my own clean slate. write my future. with many thanks to daryl and my mom, i have survived this year in one piece and welcome the year to come. thanks to anthony, omar, and marisa as well for being the great people that i have to surround me with their joy and peace.

Aug 10, 2009

scrambled eggs and leagues under the sea.

these are weekly occurrences for mr. DT. he's the gentleman. (scrambled eggs with basil, turkey bacon, and homemade pancakes)if you must know, we were at the train station, underground. and we were having lots of fun.

Aug 6, 2009

mama mia! in-ah my new-ah kitchen-ah!

had a fiending to make a prosciutto/basil/mozzarella/red onion pizza and that's exactly what i did. decided to get raw dough from trader's, a handy suggestion from moms, and I was very happy with the results. wham bam thankya ma'am kinda results. i mean this was so easy, cheap and quick! enjoy...

it felt so good to take my time in preparation...normally i'm rushing to feed a hungry being, but it felt good to just make sure i had everything, and shit was done right.flour your dough people, flour!before the bake.after 15 minvoila.

while we're on the topic of baking in my new kitchen--here's the first cake I made; a cheesecake for my friend alyson's birthday. she's amazing and she loved it. oreo cookie crust cheesecake with a lemon twist, by me.